Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I LOVE this time of year!

I love fall, Thanksgiving, getting ready for Christmas, the crisp air, the aroma of cinnamon and spices...this is MY time of year! I look forward to days spent with family and friends, indulging myself in foods of the season, and polishing my toes in festive hues for Holiday parties.

It's hard keeping my inner-Martha Stewart in check, though...Magazines team with crafty ideas that {OMG} I can do myself! So today I plan to mix up some Russian Spiced Tea and fill these altered Prima jars (left) for Meghan's teachers' gifts. I mean, what's better than a little homemade goodness? I feel like I give a little bit of myself with each homemade goodie.

I love the crafts I can do with Meghan! On Monday, we made a wreath out of construction paper handprints and a paper plate, and wrote something Meghan was thankful for on each hand. Of course, there were the obvious things, like Mommy and Daddy, and some of her toys, but then she'd say "making hot cocoa with Grammy" and it would make my heart smile : ) You can't buy memories.

So here's to Homemade Holidays...go make yours great!


Morgan said...

I like the argyle! How cute does that wreath sound too, love the cocoa with grammy comment!

Jennilee said...

So I wish I could keep my Martha Stewart side in check too. Actually I just wish I had a Martha side. Oh well. At least someone does.
That tea sounds delicous. I'm sure Meghan's teacher will love it.