Friday, August 29, 2008

So many things I want to do...

...while Meghan is in preschool. While I'd like to think that I'll spend my time cleaning, grocery shopping, working on the website, etc., I have a feeling I'll find myself perusing Tuesday Morning, sipping coffee at the local cafe (uninterupted, thank you very much), or thinking up new projects to work on, like making some of those super cute hair bows that Meghan won't wear...

I have a feeling that two mornings a week won't afford me the time that I think I might need. Is it bad to say I wish I'd signed her up for 3 days a week?

In all honesty, I'm having a hard time believing that it's really almost September. Which means that Thanksgiving is just around the corner, Christmas will be here before I can blink, then Meghan's birthday, Spring Break, another beach trip...oh my head is spinning.

Like those insurance commercials say, Life Comes At You Fast. Catch it and enjoy the ride!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Yes, I've been MIA...

Well, not really. I've been here, there, and everywhere! This summer has been chocked full of fun stuff. We went to the beach in June, Carowinds, Chimney Rock, and a Knights baseball game in July, and so far, a family reunion this month. Whew!

In this picture, Meghan, Tim and cousin JT are building castles in the sand!

And these pictures are from our Carowinds/Chimney Rock adventure!

I'm looking forward to my friend visiting later this month. I haven't seen her in about a year, and we're going to the CK Convention together! It's going to be so much fun!

Meghan starts preschool on September 2nd! It's only 2 days a week, from 9 to 12. She's really looking forward to going to school, and I think the interaction will be good for her. Not to mention that mommy is looking forward to some quiet time!

Memory Book Inspirations is participating in Dalton's Crop for Autism on September 6th. For more information, visit or click the link to the right.

We're really not doing much else this month...just trying to stay cool in this 100 degree weather. Hope you had a superfun, supercool summer, too!!!