Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I'm Officially Old Now. Phooey.

Yesterday was my thirtieth birthday. Yikes. I used to look at thirty-year-olds and think, "Ugh. It must really stink to be THAT old." And now I'm THAT old. Goodbye, carefree days of being an irresponsible 20-something. See ya later, youth. So long, soft, supple skin. Hello eye creams, laugh lines, and checking the box that now says "30-49". Great. I don't feel any different today, though. And I don't look any different, either. I'm not dumb enough to think that I would wake up this morning and suddenly have grey hair and age spots. Just give it time, though...

So my wonderful husband bought me a birthday cake and had a lovely sentiment written on it, "Happy 30th Birthday Jennifer", except that the genius at the grocery store misspelled my name and forgot to cross the T and dot the I in Birthday. No biggie, I think my hubby was more upset about it than I was. We gladly shared the cake with our neighbors, because I certainly don't need to eat it all by myself. Add "weight gain" to the list of anticipated ailments listed above.

God still loves me, though; an older gentleman with a landscape company just rang the doorbell (twice, while Meghan's napping, of course) and asked if my parents were home. If he wasn't so sweaty and gross, I would have kissed him. Well, probably not, but it made me smile inside.

As I reflect back on my youth, I want to pass on a little bit of advice to anyone under 30 who might be reading this: Enjoy it! You'll never be 20-something again! Live life, but be responsible. Quit smoking and and getting sloshed every weekend...it's not cool or attractive. Value each friendship, too many are lost for lack of trying. THANK your parents. You'll need to hear it when you're a parent someday. And buy stock in anti-aging cream because you'll need that someday, too!

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