Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Today we woke up to a healthy dusting of the fluffy white stuff! It's so rare for it to snow here, and it actually stick. The roads are ok, but the bushes, cars, roofs and grass are all covered with snow!

We went out for a while this morning, and Meghan actually lasted a lot longer than I thought she would. The snow wouldn't pack, so there was no snowman-making, but we tossed handfuls of it at each other anyways. It was more like playing in autumn leaves than snow. We made boot tracks, snow angels, foot prints, and of course, chased the floating flurries with our tongues.

Once the frosties found their way up the sleeves and into the boots, it was time to go inside. I put Meghan in a bubblebath to warm up and made myself another cup of coffee. She got up at 6:57 and I doubt she'll want to go out again this afternoon, so I have a feeling it's going to be a LOOOOONG day!

Happy Winter!


holly said...

For some reason, your side of town (also where my sister lives) got more snow than we did. Ours was pretty disappointing so I didn't even get to play in it :)
Glad Meghan enjoyed herself - the pictures are cute!!
See you Saturday (right?)!!

Jennilee said...

Those pictures of Meghan as so adorable. I think that we got a little bit more snow then you guys, but I guess that is what we get for living in Utah. I'm so glad you guys had fun. I miss you guys. :(

prashant said...

enjoyed herself - the pictures are cute!!

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